The tower was inaugurated exactly one year later, on 1 April 1902, attended by various military and civilian leaders.
The county council granted money for a cottage hospital in 1878, which was inaugurated four years later.
In 1950 the works for the new basilica were started, and the building was inaugurated five years later.
The Turnhalle building was inaugurated nine months later on 11 December 1909.
The second phase was inaugurated a year later by the then President of India.
It was inaugurated 64 years later, in 1974.
Briskeby gressbane was inaugurated two year later and has remained the club's home ground ever since.
The church was inaugurated in 1931 and few years later a Franciscan monastery and a catholic school were erected at its side.
At the same time he suggested the formation of a university at Dublin such as was inaugurated a few years later.
The developed airport was inaugurated a few months later.