He looked around for a wall telephone; it was inapproPriately placed six feet from the jukebox.
We would hate to see hungry, homeless people being placed inappropriately in Band-Aid situations.
Simply asking staff to identify inappropriately placed patients is obviously potentially subject to bias from several sources.
Why are such patients described as being inappropriately placed?
Furthermore, it is worth emphasizing that the blocking of beds by inappropriately placed patients is not a feature unique to the elderly.
This standard benefits students by ensuring that they are not inappropriately placed in programs of study and courses for which they are ill prepared.
In children who have been misdiagnosed and inappropriately placed on stimulants, behavior analysis and interventions are clearly needed.
Inappropriately placed rearview mirrors, idiot lights and overpowered steering.
I don't know of a single autistic student who has been placed inappropriately in special education classes.
Current estimates suggest that ten percent of acute-care hospital beds are occupied by inappropriately placed elderly patients.