We arranged the points on the graph to spell out a humorous but inappropriate message.
He was accused of having made unwanted requests for dinner dates, late night calls and inappropriate messages on E-mail.
Weiner confirmed having communicated with the girl, but denied sending any inappropriate messages.
I think they send a very inappropriate message to a lot of places in the city, not just the courtroom.
Vandalism, in the form of graffiti is defined as street markings, offensive and inappropriate messages made without the owner's consent.
His purchasing of crack - a drug that is devastating our city - sent a grossly inappropriate message to all students.
Instead of ignoring demanding or inappropriate messages, we need to take the time to explain professional communication.
His thought is that it is an inappropriate message and the ad should not air.
"But in the long term, it gives the child an inappropriate message about his role in the family."
This is an inappropriate message to our friends in Israel and, more importantly, a dangerous message to Israel's enemies.