No inappropriate laughter?
Inappropriate facial responses may be common, and behavior is sometimes described as 'silly', such as inappropriate laughter.
Mariel gave a roar of laughter quite inappropriate for a simple traveling mousemaid.
Listening to the live broadcast of the last night on his radio, Butlin was puzzled by the inappropriate laughter coming from the audience.
Here the jokes too often come out cruder than they need to, and the heart-tugging confrontations generally elicit inappropriate laughter.
Nevertheless, Mona's work is full of inappropriate laughter.
Frequent inappropriate laughter may be the only way a child can tell you that she is overanxious and needs help coping with the stresses in her life.
Blackout, followed by a critic running up the aisle, stifling inappropriate laughter as he flees to the lobby.
Gelastic (laughing) seizures are another neurological case of inappropriate or excessive laughter occurring in brief bursts.
There was sudden, inappropriate laughter from the back of the mess hall, and Marnie McInnes said, "How did she get out?"