Disorganized behavior and/or speech such as thought disorder, easy confusability, inappropriate emotions/facial expressions, uncontrollable laughter, etc.
"And, by the way, that's a horrible and inappropriate expression."
Citing the publication's "inappropriate racial expressions" FamilyMart decided to stop distributing the book on February 5.
So that by the time you get to the parking stall, you end up with an inappropriate expression of anger.
On conservative blogs and radio talk shows such as Michael Medved, Hilton was highlighted for what they viewed as an inappropriate expression of intolerance.
These findings are consistent with the inappropriate expression of fibroblast-stimulating cytokines reported in this disorder.
Thus, inappropriate topical expression of SCYA17 could induce a localized immune or auto-immune response.
Thereby proving that "got your goat" is an inappropriate expression.
In a note posted on Oxford's Web site, Dr. Wilkie apologized for "the wholly inappropriate expression of my personal opinions."
In cosmetic use, this can result in inappropriate facial expression, such as drooping eyelid, double vision, uneven smile, or loss of the ability to close eyes.