Prat dresses up in inappropriate fancy dress and get's sacked.
He cited instances of talking during ceremonies and inappropriate dress.
The channel noted that "dancers are at all times clothed and although the clothing may be scant - it is not inappropriate dress for beach attire or carnival".
If a corporate vice president sizing up a new young prospect witnessed such bad behavior or inappropriate dress on the links, the job would undoubtedly go to someone else.
It was quite inappropriate dress to receive a visitor, thought the Klingon, until he remembered that she had probably been sleeping.
A Sudanese doctor reports having treated several young women who were lashed for inappropriate dress even before the code was announced.
Ms. Lieberman chastised aides for sloppy or inappropriate dress and on more than one occasion sent women home to change if their skirts were too short.
Putting a character in inappropriate dress can also make us laugh.
In the episode "Casual Friday", Meredith wears a highly inappropriate dress that barely covers herself.
Zak offered, dipping into a bow and pulling the side of his nightshirt out wide to draw attention to his inappropriate dress.