There may have been a more inane conversation since the Invasion, but no record of it survives.
It occurs to me that we are having a quite inane conversation about nothing at all, Claribel.
How is it that in all the inane conversations you've subjected me to, you've never discussed your family?
What's more, to aid you in making inane conversation in those "chat rooms" on the Internet, the author unlocks some of the secret code.
The moment dinner was announced, the Baron guided the diners into the banquet hall, eager to move on from this endless, inane conversation.
And yet he has spent a lifetime in similarly inane, libido-driven conversation.
I would hang around making inane conversation waiting for her to leave the room.
Really, this is the most inane conversation in the world.
They conducted a self-conscious and inane conversation until the phone rang promptly on the half-hour.
Such loud voices, such inane conversation and so embarrassingly personal.