Humans become hosts when they inadvertently swallow the eggs of those flies.
They do this through their diet and when they inadvertently swallow sea water.
Even though the stinking water was covered in an iridescent film, Szpilman drank deeply, although he stopped after inadvertently swallowing a considerable amount of dead insects.
She stated that his abilities were first learned through a single incident: while bathing in the Nile, he inadvertently swallowed a fish and an ample volume of water.
Inadvertently swallowing air when eating increases the gas in the intestines, and it has been suggested that loose-fitting dentures can make this problem worse.
At the last moment, Bond turns in his sleep and Aki moves to his position and the poison falls on her lips which she inadvertently swallows while asleep.
The blood he inadvertently swallowed churned in his stomach, seeking escape.
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The 76-year-old, who has not been named, inadvertently swallowed the felt-tip in early 1986 while she was attempting to check her tonsils.
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