The only confirmed casualty in this otherwise bloodless coup was the old Sultan's foot when he inadvertently shot himself.
She transforms into an old witch and the Stooges inadvertently shoot her down from her broom, killing the Queen.
A station employee, William Paul, inadvertently shot himself with his own outside the men's quarters in 1941.
Firing repeatedly at Lane, Dominic inadvertently shoots Alexander in the head, mortally wounding him.
Harry shoots Ray three more times and in the process inadvertently shoots Jimmy in the head with the expanding ammunition, effectively decapitating him.
On 22 December 1855, Štúr inadvertently shot and wounded himself during a hunt near Modra.
However, he inadvertently shoots himself in the head with a shotgun when Lilith makes him imagine he is being attacked by dogs.
During the fall the gunman lands against a wheel barrow that crushes his trachea, breaks his neck, and then he inadvertently shoots himself in the chest.
In the subsequent confusion, gunfire erupts and the sheriff inadvertently shoots his son, Kyle.
In August 1982, Holbert inadvertently shot and killed one of his friends in a gun accident.