The traffic appeared to flow in both directions; mortals could inadvertently find themselves trapped in the Beyond before the end of their natural lives.
Poitier plays a homicide cop from a big city who inadvertently finds himself caught up in a murder investigation in the town where he is staying.
Parry inadvertently found a cure for scurvy by growing mustard and cress near his ship's heating pipes.
She needed to try and sort matters out before she inadvertently found herself once more under psychic assault.
For the second time, she inadvertently found herself in an inspired team.
And then, as she made a turn, her eyes inadvertently found the lights of the palace.
The musical's inspiration was reportedly a photograph, which Schömberg found inadvertently in a magazine.
Britons can inadvertently find themselves facing charges relating to cultural differences, such as the use of bad language, rude gestures or public displays of affection.
The world he talked about-vampires, werewolves, things that go bump-was a secret one, even to the people who inadvertently found their way there.
They would inadvertently find that white Europeans were superior.