They inadvertently cross paths while doing this, throwing their initial trust for each other out the window as well as putting the intentions of Henry Lee into question.
Things come to a head when Tommy inadvertently crosses path with Fred, and a revenge situation begins.
Visitors should avoid trekking or other activities near the Belize-Guatemala border to ensure that they do not inadvertently cross the border into Guatemala.
But that doesn't mean there isn't a threshold we might inadvertently cross if we're not very careful.
Due to festival's proximity to the state border, special security measures have to be undertaken to prevent people from inadvertently crossing the border.
One night a girl is slain in the woods of a small town, two teenagers, Sam and Les, inadvertently cross the killer's path.
In that race, Henry mis-timed his steps and he inadvertently crossed home plate before his 10-year-old opponent.
And let your employees know what they are, too, so they don't inadvertently cross the line and commit a breach of etiquette.
In March 2007, a 170-person Swiss infantry unit became lost during a training exercise and inadvertently crossed 1.5 km into Liechtenstein.
He said the Senate language was so broad that it would penalize peaceful opponents of abortion, and other protesters, who even inadvertently cross a police line.