All linemen, especially those who deal with live electrical apparatus, use personal protective equipment (PPE) as protection against inadvertent contact.
That helo took off like it had afterburners, shooting up out of the trees that surrounded the LZ like sheer speed would compensate for any inadvertent contact with a tree branch.
Firmly Thian diverted his thoughts from this inadvertent contact and squinched his shoulders into the couch.
It was unavoidable that their knees and legs would touch and Trace took full advantage of even this inadvertent contact.
Should any "inadvertent contact" with the board occur outside the building, staff members must send Ms. Baird an e-mail message "describing your encounter."
It has a bearing in the center of it which allows it to spin freely and serves to limit inadvertent contact by human hands with the cutter.
However, this work methodology does come with additional worker risks including inadvertent contact to live parts and exposure to high electric and magnetic fields.
He lifted his hand, gloved now, like his wife's, to avoid inadvertent contact.
The novel reveals that after the Mars Probe missions, depicted in the 1970 serial The Ambassadors of Death, Earth made inadvertent hostile contact with the Ice Warriors which was covered up by British intelligence services.
In particular, inadvertent contact between the blade and the operator's fingers is unlikely to result in serious injury.