Not only are most predominantly black schools inadequately financed and staffed, but, experts note, they must often deal with students whose lives outside the classroom impede their learning.
Why must our schools continue to be inadequately and inequitably financed?
Your administration has inadequately financed or reduced the budgets of housing, child care, job training and other programs vital to helping the working poor.
The coalition's leaders predicted that their efforts would be more effective than previous anti-sweatshop campaigns, which they say have been uncoordinated, piecemeal and inadequately financed.
He sought his own commitment, the critics note, but he was turned away by what they described as the state's inadequately financed mental health system.
Mr. Carle rejects the state's conservation plan as inadequate, not least because, he says, it would be inadequately financed.
At the time when billions were being spent on Cassini, the Federal cancer research program was inadequately financed.
This could happen if analysts determine that the retirement accounts are inadequately financed and unable to meet the needs of pensioners.
Although it has proven a highly attractive programme, unfortunately, the European Voluntary Service continues to be financed inadequately.
In Mr. Siegl's view, however, it was inadequately financed.