This initiative, conceived in 1998, aims to reduce the Mexican housing deficit, which leaves more than 20 million people with inadequate shelter.
He knew that the rain had stopped, though there was night outside their inadequate shelter.
She left the inadequate shelter of the rock pile to venture nearer the canopy and braziers.
They were engaged in war-related construction, often subject to extreme cold, and given inadequate shelter, food, and medical care.
With inadequate shelter, little food, and no sanitary facilities, life in these camps was miserable.
He became still, flattening himself behind the plank walk's wholly inadequate shelter.
However, of the 220 who arrived with Robinson, most died in the following 14 years from introduced disease and inadequate shelter.
A harsh winter turned the pilgrims' inadequate shelter into a stinking bog.
Local police forced people with inadequate shelter to leave for the winter.
A little reluctantly, I took his hand, and stepped out of the inadequate shelter of the remains of my dress.