However, by the 1870s, Newmarket's growth had rendered the original school inadequate to the task of educating the town's youth.
The judge agreed that many poor, minority students suffered from attending inadequate schools.
The 10 percent solution may encourage Texas to improve inadequate schools.
It often identified inadequate schools as the primary factor responsible for the black exodus to the North.
Their children are trapped in inadequate schools that have been abandoned by the white middle class.
Overnight, residents have had to wrestle with inadequate schools and roadways.
It is these very students that have the most to lose if they remain in inadequate public schools.
But the problem is that there are just totally inadequate schools under the present system.
Those who argue for giving parents a choice say that letting people vote with their children's feet puts pressure on inadequate schools to become better.
The new Brooklyn has not cured poverty or solved related problems like inadequate schools.