Many people have inadequate or insufficient insurance.
Many patients have inadequate medical insurance and Government financing for AZT treatment is limited.
Several million other Americans have inadequate insurance.
"Under-insured" coverage also is available, to cover claims you may make against a driver who has inadequate insurance.
But poor pregnancy education and inadequate insurance make infant mortality a problem for people who are not poor, the panel said.
In 2005, almost 47 million Americans - including more than 8 million children - were uninsured, and many more had inadequate insurance.
A Hearst Newspapers investigation called medical error "far more deadly than inadequate medical insurance."
"When those with inadequate insurance are added, more than 50 million Americans each year face access problems."
The inmate was actually treated better than some law-abiding patients who are denied heart transplants because of inadequate insurance.
The key differences they cited were lack of insurance, inadequate insurance, poor service, and reluctance to seek care.