With bare feet and inadequate clothing, they were forced daily to walk half an hour in deep snow to the factory.
To make things worse, a wind was coming up, cutting cruelly through her inadequate clothing.
In this scenario the same factors that can lead to hypothermia (extreme cold, inadequate clothing, wet clothes, wind chill) can contribute to frostbite.
He met one party near the Ophir Creek crossing, three young fellows wearing inadequate clothing and carrying packs too light to contain anything useful.
I would not have my father out here in nasty weather with inadequate clothing.
By the time the guards came for her, Serina had made her escape, bare feet, inadequate clothing, fear of open spaces, and all.
He was all soaking wet and got pneumonia because of inadequate clothing, and you know they were pushing him because of the war.
In the cold weather, this proved a mistake, as they had inadequate clothing and insufficient clothing and camping provisions to make the journey.
Dr. Faux asked as frigid air began to work its way through his inadequate clothing.
Bill continued to brush my hair, and I sat in the office chair with my hands on my thighs, acutely conscious of my inadequate clothing.