A real melting pot, to use an inaccurate term, since no one mixed much, let alone melted.
The compressed data is screened to correct and/or eliminate redundant, inaccurate or incomplete terms.
Yuppie flu was a sometimes derisive, and inaccurate, term applied to chronic fatigue syndrome.
"Recovery" from this type of trauma, the author says, is an inaccurate term because it "makes people think things have gone back to normal" (120)
Making it acceptable to use demeaning and degrading and totally inaccurate terms to describe a person makes our culture go downhill.
Three of the many groups there are described in insultingly superficial and inaccurate terms.
"Sister" was such an inaccurate term, even though clones saw themselves as twins.
However this may be, after the Conquest a distinction, the result of feudalism, to use a convenient if inaccurate term, arose between real and personal property.
"Navarrese Company" is an informal, modern, somewhat inaccurate, term for these soldiers.
However, these symptoms appear with stomach flu, which is a popular but inaccurate term for gastroenteritis.