Press intrusions into the band members' lives led to inaccurate stories.
And since I don't think the movie is playing here yet, can you please fill us in on whether the movie tells the same inaccurate story?
Also left open to interpretation is the role that mythologies and other factually inaccurate stories play in a society.
The anonymous persons who planted this mean-spirited and inaccurate story should be ashamed.
What a wildly inaccurate and speculative story, it seemed more like a novel, than a tech story.
There will be no life, only constantly reworked and slightly inaccurate stories about lives.
"We published a very inaccurate, in fact plain wrong, story," he says, adding that it showed the perils of relying on a single source.
Express editor says he did not offer to resign over inaccurate stories about child's disappearance.
But the Afghan organization involved has often released inaccurate stories.
Scarboro subsequently left the unit because he could no longer get adequate treatment, and inaccurate stories about his condition were being published.