However, the rocket was exactly on courses and inaccurate readings had been picked up by a radar station 120 miles away.
What is really happening, Toyota says, is that the temperature gauge may give an inaccurate reading in 2005 and 2006 models.
This is red, white and blue bunting on an inaccurate reading of history.
Your projection that the American public would welcome an abortion pill is based on an inaccurate and one-sided reading of opinion polls.
Any of the failure modes may lead to inaccurate readings, without any obvious warning.
It is at this point where the size difference in human vs animal red blood cells can create inaccurate readings.
The patient's edginess is causing high but inaccurate readings for eye pressure.
There's no chance of getting an inaccurate reading.
Strips can quickly go bad if you store them improperly, which means they won't work or even worse, will give you an inaccurate reading.
Once again, the charge of false testimony is based on a wholly inaccurate reading of the President's deposition.