This evening, the secretary of state of Florida has decided to certify what, by any reasonable standard, is an incomplete and inaccurate count of the votes cast in the State of Florida.
The LAT census lead says that the House's vote against allowing sampling techniques in the census might ensure an inaccurate count and cost California a billion dollars in lost revenue.
Language proposed for use on the 1990 census questionnaire, intended to determine the number of Asians in the United States, will confuse respondents and lead to inaccurate counts, two Congressmen have told a House panel.
So, as provided under Florida law, I have decided to contest this inaccurate and incomplete count in order to insure the greatest possible credibility for the outcome.
For their part, city officials contend that failing to find housing units is just one way that the bureau produces inaccurate counts.
The user is still tracking and counting tiles manually, and the risk of receiving an inaccurate count through human error remains roughly equal to the non-technological option.
Blade made a rapid and inaccurate count and took a vague pleasure in his findings-the Thyrnians had extracted a high price.
All of us feel that this is a bad and inaccurate count.
And by independent analysis based on birth, death and immigration records, just 2 percent of the population escaped the bureau's dragnet - half the rate of undercount that marred the 1950 census, a particularly inaccurate count.
The organization made a number of serious missteps, providing an inaccurate count of the evacuees it was housing in hotels and handing out some debit cards that did not work.