As I have implied, many of Durkheim's conclusions are tautological or based upon inaccurate assumptions and evidence.
For adolescent girls in Nigeria and in many other countries, this is an inaccurate assumption.
And inaccurate technical assumptions accounted for an average underestimate of $9 billion a year in the 1980's thus far.
It is a complex subject, further complicated by the fact that actual points of law are sometimes obscured by myths and inaccurate assumptions.
We traditionalists observe that when policies fail, it's usually because they are based on inaccurate assumptions about human nature.
I hope you haven't and your comment was nothing but inaccurate assumption.
If an observer did not know the dates in which the paintings were completed, placing the works in the 1800s would not be an inaccurate assumption.
Mind you, there is a widespread but inaccurate assumption that organized crime essentially manifests itself in spectacular serious crimes.
Why be so vitriolic and make such grand, baseless and inaccurate assumptions on my political alignment?
It turns out that even the author of that report admits it had serious flaws, including inaccurate assumptions about how much the city spends on recycling.