McCarty worked as an in-house photographer for Mattel Toys (1999-2002), primarily on the Hot Wheels brand of toys.
He later worked in the dark room at Stone-Wright Studio and then became the assistant to one of their in-house photographers.
Contrary to the sports images that he had been shooting, he then became an in-house photographer for Atlantic Records.
Today Nars remains as the artistic director, in-house photographer, and copywriter for his brand.
He has worked as an in-house photographer for Swedish publications such as Slitz, Magazine Café and Playboy.
She became interested in photographic composition while assisting his in-house photographer, Edmund Stoecklein.
As of 2012 the company employed more than 100 people; around 15 of whom are in-house photographers .
Magazines with a large print run cannot use a standard Royalty-free license and therefore they either purchase images with a Rights-managed license or have in-house photographers.
Zoomy Images also employs a team of in-house photographers in order to provide exclusive content to customers.
An in-house photographer was also employed to take "portraits" of everyone that came.