NBCC's website, KnowBreastCancer.org, provides easy access for the public to get up-to-date information on breast cancer issues and news of the day, with a more in-depth, patient-centered perspective.
Each week, Gibbons worked with her team to track stories and to bring the audience new, in-depth and real perspective on the issues of the time.
Working Virtually: Challenges of Virtual Teams provides an in-depth, practical perspective on the growing dependence of virtual teams and how to best exploit them.
The MS in Finance curriculum is designed to provide students with the in-depth perspective and the analytical tools to flourish in financial services and corporate finance positions.
The African Publishing Review is the only pan-African publishing journal published in Africa with news, analysis, and in-depth perspectives of African Publishing.
GIve us some in-depth perspective on why Paul Simon is "shallow" and "derivative".
The journal contains essays, case studies, in-depth perspectives, book reviews, and exhibition reviews.
GlobalPost offers daily, in-depth perspective on the changing global picture by combining traditional journalistic values and the power of new media.
Being hosts of the nation's first music television network provided them with an in-depth and up-close perspective on the most popular rock/pop music and artists of the 1980s.
The document itself gives an in-depth perspective of how the coup was planned, its outcome and what was the official Embassy declaration.