It was followed by a 'prequel' titled Cities and the Creative Class, which provided more in-depth data to support his findings.
In 1989, 1991 and 1993, separate visits were made to obtain in-depth data in each community for every identified health service and family planning provider or facility.
He used three adoption studies, two American and one British, each of them containing in-depth data about the adopted children, their adoptive parents, and their biological parents.
In this way the program caters for clubs and competitions, though it is aimed primarily at databasing in-depth historical data.
GA's approach is to show high-level, dashboard-type data for the casual user, and more in-depth data further into the report set.
For countries interested in more in-depth data on gender, modules of questions are available on special topics such as status of women, domestic violence, and female genital cutting.
Its scope is limited due to the in-depth, comprehensive data gathering approaches required.
Though in-depth data is collected from consumers, a highly summarized version of it is produced for release to the media.
It has an average distance of 39 AU from the Sun, hence in-depth data from Pluto is sparse and difficult to gather.
For more in-depth demographic data on these neighborhoods, their U.S. Census 2000 is available.