JAI PROVIDA 2000 is a sophisticated in-car video and speed enforcement system for 24-hour detection of traffic offences and criminal acts.
I've been a fan of NASCAR since the 60's, and this is one of the best in-car videos I've seen.
Privacy advocates like the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy and digital rights group based in San Francisco, are concerned that in-car video could be stored on data recorders that collect information like speed, acceleration, braking and steering angles.
You may not think that your children are even thinking about in-car video; but they are most likely waiting for the right moment to bring it up.
As a result, he produced this - a really short in-car video showing the on-board telemetry system and a his view while traveling down Daytona's backstretch at 194 miles per hour.
Users also submit their in-car video, which can be analyzed by experts who can advise drivers on their driving style and performance.