"Buttonwood" is a column in The Economist named for that agreement.
This project has generated attention from around the world, including an article in the Economist (http://www.economist.com/node/17633329).
That's because most of the content in The Economist has nothing to do with actual economics, not directly at least.
That is not the view of local industrial leaders as expressed in an article in The Economist this month.
For nineteen years he wrote a survey of the commercial history of the year in The Economist.
Lose myself in The Economist, or escape from reality.
According to a report in the Economist last month, the answer is broadly yes.
According to statistics in 'The Economist' of 16 June, the world has more rich people than ever before.
I call the attention of the House to the article in The Economist only last week which was predicting exactly such an event.
It also holds a 50 percent interest in The Economist, the weekly news magazine.