One dichotomy is the idea that there are two groups in the world, "scientists" and everybody else.
Even in scientists, the eye has its reasons that reason knows not of (Glueck).
The department has so far trained over 2469 in service engineers and agricultural scientists from 48 countries including India.
Are there not managers in other roles or scientists who could devote the time and yet have the intelligence to serve?
Indeed, even those experienced in politics, political scientists, and members of the media find it difficult to know who is behind some political advertisements.
What if you were the only person in the world with a disease, and scientists used your name to classify it?
As a result, politicians, campaign officials in both camps and political scientists agree that a volatile race may lie ahead.
And Shiles was a man to believe in scientists.
This conference brought in scientists from 54 countries.
Moss had the patience with work and men that necessity develops in scientists.