"That's a rather rare trait in rulers."
But not much is told of the Africans who traded in slaves, interior rulers and local villagers.
In the Arabian Peninsula, the title is used for men of stature, whether they are managers in high posts, wealthy business owners, or local rulers.
They are written in familiar classical language and present idealized rulers, with the earlier political concerns subordinate to moral and cosmological theory.
Its consequences entailed frequent changes in rulers.
Sirijanga's movement came to represent a significant threat, in particular to the Sikkimese Bhutia rulers and their spiritual gurus.
History has shown the Rihannsu to have little trust in "single rulers."
Also, the unwieldy bureaucracy couldn't keep its loyalties straight, with the too-rapid turnover in rulers vying for Ashoka's throne.
Madam President, all in all the Burmese and Chinese rulers are almost indistinguishable.
Most of them, therefore, were more than content with the change in rulers.