Mold growing in or on field corn and peanuts are the ones most likely to produce aflatoxin.
Peanut allergies are the body's overreaction to certain proteins found in peanuts.
And thanks to the protein in peanuts, you'll feel full from smaller servings.
"But I can pack books in peanuts better than anyone."
The city is also the center of local trade in wheat, peanuts, barley, and livestock.
The symptoms of this virus in peanuts appear as irregular dark islands on young leaves.
The popcorn is coated with toffee and rolled in peanuts.
The average amount in peanuts in the marketplace is 79.4 g/ounce.
At about eight, eating became the question, then that got overwhelmed in crisps and salted peanuts.
One business I've now mothballed, the other is bringing in peanuts - not enough to live on.