The increase in offences varies across the force area.
In the case of nationals, their contribution to the increase in the crime rate is primarily concentrated in offences against persons.
The Goodies are not the only 'nice' people involved in offences.
To bring to justice those engaged in terrorism, domestic extremism and related offences.
Reported crime increased several times between 1800 and 1840, but so did the efficiency of government in recording offences.
Lower-level headmen were frequently involved in various offences, especially cattle stealing.
Police: That policewomen's duties and training should include dealing with 'girls involved in sexual offences'.
His involvement with the CDU donation affair, and in particular offences against party law is open to question.
A women's policy machinery at the national level was established (1972) while amnesty was guaranteed in minor offences connected with demonstrations.
He attended Boys Homes' for approximately three years after becoming involved in burglaries and other offences.