Miller gained an interest in bees as a child, while living on his father's farm.
Recent findings, however, reveal the virus has been present in American bees since 2002.
The other photo is of his late wife, Anita, "my partner in bees and absolutely everything else."
Adolescence in bees may include some learning, though no one but experience appears to do the tutoring.
But this is a striking instance of sagacity in bees.
Is it possible that olfactory space in bees, then, has several dozen dimensions?
He was a lot younger than I was, of course, but we had a common interest in bees.
It causes paralysis in bees which then die outside the hive.
Trophallaxis serves as a means of communication, at least in bees and ants.
From his childhood Cotton had a passionate interest in bees and beekeeping.