But when the same voters protest reductions in services and entitlements, politicians tend to back off, leaving deficit reduction for another day.
Much of the growth in entitlements has been paid for by defense cuts that were reaching their limits even before Sept. 11.
Australia's full part for 2020 in a 550 scenario would be a reduction in entitlements of 10 per cent from 2000 levels.
How will Americans respond to cuts in entitlements: by saving less or - more?
Usually this is in return for new or increased entitlements to non-cash benefits.
Reagan's large spending increases for defense and the growth in entitlements without higher taxes created a budget deficit that inarguably hurt the economy.
Reactions varied from region to region when it came to the details of the Administration's expected proposals for new energy taxes or cuts in entitlements.
I know there's things that some of my friends on the other side wanted: higher taxes, no changes in entitlements.
Indeed, many of those Americans most concerned about unbridled growth in entitlements are elderly.
A belief in racial rights and ethnic entitlements has taken root among our minorities.