Those rules may have helped bring in buyers yesterday, but the cost to world markets was significant.
While weak economic reports gave the market some support, they were not compelling enough to bring in buyers.
The proximity to $5 an ounce, a point of strong psychological resistance, brought in new buyers.
She is counting on such items for help in winning buyers among men and boys.
Indeed, dealers save their very best works to show here because the exhibition hall is awash in serious buyers.
Inside, an extra half bath is now included in the price, rather than available to buyers as an option.
But I don't expect to see prices go much lower, because that would bring in buyers.
Many of the seasoned dealers cite a change in buyers over the years.
Everyone knew that the hotel was in financial distress and desperate to attract buyers.
The rise in first-time buyers meant its average selling price was £164,000, down 2pc on the previous year.