In addition to the new buildings proposed, the plan would overhaul virtually all the buildings in the county's inventory.
In addition to the new buildings, the park already holds the manufacturing operation of Bon-Art, a company that makes window display mannequins.
In addition to the two historic buildings, there would be development as well on two adjacent vacant lots.
In addition to the buildings needed for production and management, seven workers blocks were built with 117 flats.
In addition to the main buildings, there were numerous outbuildings.
In addition to the above named buildings, there are three garage facilities.
In addition to the original buildings, the school also has twenty-five portables located to the west of Building 1.
In addition to the buildings within historic districts, there are numerous historically significant structures located within Midtown.
In addition to the academic buildings, the main campus is host to sporting facilities, all but two student residences and much of the staff housing.
In addition to the buildings within the cemetery, there are a number of notable memorials within the site.