He may not be so happy to learn the service is eliminating impulse shopping.
That's worrying, he added, "because life-and-death commitments should not be done by impulse shopping."
In addition, he said, many of the older showrooms can only be reached from blank, featureless corridors that do little to encourage impulse shopping.
The 21st-century bank branch doesn't inspire impulse shopping, and it certainly doesn't attract people the way it did when banking required a face-to-face transaction with a teller.
His marketing plan is simple and predicated on the consumer's weakness for accessory impulse shopping.
The old strategy of impulse shopping, of superstar talent stashes, wasn't working anymore.
"Delay is the No. 1 enemy of impulse shopping."
("Mysterious rites," in case you were wondering, is a reference to women's fondness for impulse shopping.)
How do you conquer impulse shopping?
A lot of shopping in January is impulse shopping, and that cannot be made up.