In Thomas Jefferson's case, the impulse has led to a kind of witch hunt into the past.
These democratic impulses led to a marked conservatism in style, such that the artistic leadership of the years 1900-1916 all but disappeared.
In 1928, this impulse led her to found the Hours Press.
The impulse to edify, it seems, all too often leads to empty clichés.
What impulse had led him on that particular afternoon to make his final gesture against fate?
The erotic impulse also led to new forms of knowledge.
In a land where women had become sterile, such an impulse could only lead to deep frustration.
My nephew sometimes lets impulse, instead of policy, lead him.
He'd been jerked around by fate, and every decent impulse had led him into ever deeper trouble.
What impulse led to this selection she could not explain.