And among the splendid qualities Mr. Brookshire brought to his performances was a rhapsodic flair that enhanced the improvisatory nature of these works.
Jazz, too, was once an art of the moment - quintessentially so, given its improvisatory nature.
Its LPs did not capture the exuberant, improvisatory nature of its live performances.
Many perpetrators evaded justice entirely, thanks to the often chaotic and improvisatory nature of the whole process of investigation and trial.
Elsewhere, this West German player trusted the guitar's improvisatory nature.
The live outdoor recording also revealed the improvisatory nature of most early Laurel and Hardy.
The new show's episodic, improvisatory nature will allow the director to expand or to distill it further.
And the improvisatory nature of the business reflected that, as well as the reality that the American rag trade had not yet substantially moved offshore.
For its refusal to be pinned down, its improvisatory nature.
Like the Beats, from whom the band was descended, the Grateful Dead was obsessed with street culture and the improvisatory nature of hanging out.