Often the "improved roads" were in worse condition than unimproved roads due to the amateur nature of the maintenance.
Except for a few improved roads near major cities, the infrastructure seemed not to have improved at all, but most of our friends' lives had become a little easier.
It promised $60 million in new and improved roads, to be built far faster than most state roads.
In 1796, an improved all-weather road was opened for wagon and carriage travel.
The motor car was changing the dynamic of transportation, and Michigan's residents demanded new and improved roads for their vehicles.
When the road was completed a few years later, it established a continuous, improved road between Poughkeepsie and Hartford.
We have already noted how improved roads permitted the spread of the newspaper.
The project, expected to take 5 to 10 years, will also require agreement with the city on new and improved roads, sewers and other repairs.
Nor was Beck prepared to discuss improved road and rail links across the Corridor unless they were 'territorial'- that is, under Polish control.
Martin's administration also reorganized the state's highway system providing miles of new and improved roads as well as many new jobs.