The new, improved materials available have gone a long way towards extending the lifespan of today's flat roof.
In spite of this it produced almost double the thrust, largely due to the improved materials, especially in the turbine, which allowed for higher operating temperatures.
The RD-33MK engine features 7% higher power over the base RD-33, enabled by the usage of improved materials for the turbine blades.
He cited improved materials that last longer in artificial knees and hips; surgeons can use them on younger patients without worrying that the implants will wear out.
Seed production and gene diversity is an important aspect when using improved materials like seed orchard crops.
Such improved materials would have a wide range of applications in space and on Earth.
This new generation of Focus incorporates a redesigned cabin with improved materials and new entertainment technologies.
Additionally, new composites based on improved materials may be tested as part of the work agreement to investigate new chemistries and formulations for enhanced performance.
Re-engineering of all the Walker branded products has now been carried out to take advantage of improved materials and production methods.
Experimental development is systematic effort, based on existing knowledge from research or practical experience, directed toward creating novel or improved materials, products, devices, processes, systems, or services.