He improved to ninth place in the race, but raised poor qualifying form as an issue for the team.
Chamant was not among the early leaders but improved to fourth place at half way.
In his second year with the Marauders, he improved the team's standing from seventh to first place.
At her next major competition, the 2000 Olympics, she improved to fourth place.
He improved to fifth place in 2005, despite not winning any races.
Afanasyev remained in the series for 2009 season and improved to second place overall.
He improved to fifth place in this category at the 2007 European race.
He remained in series for 2009 and improved to fifth place.
In 1924, the Stars improved to 42-34 and fourth place.
In the second half they improved to third place with a 39-31 records, four games behind.