Kushner is entangled in lawsuits filed by another former employee who said Kushner misappropriated company funds and improperly reported campaign contributions.
Kushner is embroiled in lawsuits filed by a former employee who accused him of misappropriating company funds and improperly reporting campaign contributions.
It also improperly reported corrosion records and had discrepancies in pilot and personnel training records, the agency said.
Congress has been concerned about the issue since last May, when the Navy and the Air Force reported improperly financing repairs on several large homes.
In 1997, the S.E.C. accused the company of improperly reporting revenue in the previous two years.
The aggressive accounting may be within the letter of the rules, the regulators have said, but it results in companies improperly reporting their financial results.
Companies buying financial reinsurance, investigators say, sometimes improperly reported the transactions in order to inflate their financial results.
The indictments were returned one day after Governor Mecham spent his second day before a grand jury investigating allegations that he improperly reported the campaign loan.
The practice allowed Qwest to improperly report about $3 billion in revenue, regulators have alleged.
Sanjay Kumar resigned as chairman and chief executive in April 2004, following an investigation into the accounting scandal which improperly reported revenue.