A recent tire industry study showed that nearly 90% of tire repairs are performed improperly.
Sometimes a vasectomy has been performed improperly, and the wife still gets pregnant, leading the husband to accuse her of infidelity.
It is essential to bear in mind that improperly performed or omitted procedures may permanently alter chemistries.
An improperly performed biopsy may make it difficult to save the affected limb from amputation.
Usually, the reason for this is that the split is being performed improperly (the pelvis may need to be tilted forward).
Improperly performed, the work could be a crashing embarrassment.
If performed improperly, bedding can destroy a rifle.
Jumping on is also more dangerous because if performed improperly, riders are likely to take very hard falls.
If improperly performed, this technique can allow the opponent to escape, and gain an advantageous position.
Eastern workers at the three airports reportedly approved repairs that were improperly performed, or in some cases not done at all.