He later goes to his office, where he is reprimanded by his superior for allegedly having improper relations with his female teenage cousin.
Starrad was conducting improper relations with her.
He left Eton under suspicion of improper relations with students and added Cory to his name.
I think it's more important for me to tell the American people that there wasn't improper relations, I didn't ask anybody to lie, and I intend to cooperate.
I did not have improper relations with that woman.
There was a certain lieutenant of spahis whom the government had reason to suspect of improper relations with a great European power.
If a woman had improper relations with one of the relatives of Almamula, he would punish that woman by transforming her into a series of different forms.
Leadbeater went on to face accusations of improper relations with boys, but none of the accusations were ever proven and Besant never deserted him.
In 1576, Henry III accused Marguerite of improper relations with a lady-in-waiting.
Those who erred and indulged in improper relations did so at the risk of their souls.