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His proposal, the company said, "is an improper and unnecessary interference" with the bankruptcy proceedings.
You are responsible for protecting tobacco products in your registered premises from improper interference or abstraction.
Taylor later responded by calling the generals' actions an "improper interference" into the purview of civilian government.
Trinity said Cerberus's new offers were "improper interference."
Mr. Li's company said that it viewed Cerberus's new offer as "an improper interference."
In 1999 he was investigated for improper interference with local authorities on behalf of an industrial environmental polluter.
"Because Jay Stephens had accused the President of improper interference in an investigation."
He even said he could see that I would regard it as improper interference with my private life.
He contested the result through a successful petition to the courts, alleging improper interference by the Catholic clergy.
Accusations of "improper and unacceptable interference" were made against her.