In 2000 and 2001 Steve Henry repaid the state for numerous improper charges.
Cases of high-pressure marketing have been reported in which improper charges are made against a person's credit card and no merchandise or promised travel is ever received.
Taking office in January 1906, Barkley saved taxpayers over $35,000 by challenging improper charges to the county.
Prosecutors charged that the FEF and other LaRouche related groups had made improper charges to the credit cards of about 1,000 people.
His conviction later was overturned by an appeals court on the grounds that an improper charge to the jury had been made, and the case was dismissed.
The Fifth Circuit ruling in 1981 said that an improper charge to the jury had denied Mr. Tyler the presumption of innocence at his trial.
She contended, however, that some of what the church called $325,000 in improper charges on her corporate credit card were justified business expenses.
The most recent suit contends that Northrop suppressed and destroyed internal documents from an audit that showed $400 million in improper charges on the program.
Now Ms. Bernstein said she rarely received letters or calls, and the complaints that do come in generally deal with complaints about lawyers, or improper charges.
Invoicing errors are a common phenomenon, and most large carriers provide teams and electronic forms to quickly contest improper charges on one's invoice.