Harrison played an impromptu version of Perkins' song "Your True Love" during the service.
The Beatles recorded an impromptu version of this song during their Get Back Sessions in January 1969.
At the age of 8, young Charles Mattmueller presented an impromptu version of the Spirit Cabinet for two schoolmates.
The album included an impromptu version of "Happy Birthday" sung for Brian, whose birthday was one day prior to the concert.
Six years later, they recorded another impromptu version during a jam session in 1969, but neither version has ever appeared on any of their official albums.
She is known to break into an impromptu version of "Jeopardy" with the audience, and finish with a two-fisted baton-twirling exhibition.
Rob also recorded an impromptu version of Old Rugged Cross that appears on more than one album.
In 1998, George Harrison paid tribute to Perkins by performing an impromptu version of the song at Perkins' funeral.
Youth Rescue Mission plays an impromptu version of Thursday After in their living room.
Geldof himself performed an impromptu version of the song while hosting the Live 8 concert in London, on 2 July 2005.