A few years earlier, she had built an impressive tomb for three of her children and now she was buried in this tomb herself.
An impressive tomb was later constructed, with life-sized effigies of himself and both his wives.
Well before his death in 210 b.c., Qinshihuangdi conscripted hundreds of thousands of his subjects to construct a suitably impressive tomb.
His widow Marion, who remarried Sir Lucas Dillon, commissioned an impressive tomb, dated 1589,which still exists.
The impressive rock-hewn tombs are in the Sanhedria quarter.
This contains the rather impressive tomb of (probably) Sir Thurstan and his wife Margret de Bower.
Hu's mausoleum is arguably the most impressive tomb of any senior CCP leader.
One of the most impressive tombs, that of Emperor Minh Mang, is set within a beautiful landscaped garden.
He died in 1361, probably of the plague, and was laid to rest in an impressive tomb in Lingfield church.
An impressive tomb with alabaster effigies was built.