General Motors continued to make impressive strides toward closing the productivity gap with Japanese automakers.
Regardless of ownership, Rover faces daunting challenges, although it has made impressive strides in recent years.
Ghana, which has made impressive strides in international youth tournaments, is making its first appearance in the World Cup.
Since then, the production of his music has made impressive strides.
Dr. Crew has made impressive strides in policy.
Since the end of its civil war four years ago, El Salvador has made impressive strides toward building a workable civil society.
(Here, despite the Italian's adoration of his car, the country has made impressive strides in the last decade.)
By and large, the federal government has made impressive strides toward making itself Web-accessible.
Transmission Security - Encryption technology has made impressive strides over the last decade.
In 1873, Northern Pacific made impressive strides before a terrible stumble.