Although Unity is an impressive offering, it has some kinks that need to be worked out before it will be ready for mainstream adoption.
As a result, Hats Off to the Bull is one of the group's most infectious and impressive offerings to date.
Many other automakers have stepped up their game, and now have impressive offerings in this category.
And some of these have impressive offerings this summer.
Although Swartz was initially lured back by the city's impressive new architectural offerings, she quickly found herself revisiting old haunts.
The Bin has an impressive offering of art books, paintings between covers, that are among the store's best sellers.
"These are very impressive offerings," said Emily Hall, senior mutual fund analyst at Morningstar.
Making your own home-made sushi is one such impressive culinary offering.
Armand's attitude brightened considerably as he perused this impressive offering.
Despite these limitations, Unity is an impressive offering and is largely suitable for day-to-day use.